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Upi Address Payment Transaction Genericchit


 Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business The Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

     Genericchit Mobile app  UPI address you can mention the customer location. Chit subscribers mobile app can get the details of subscribers arrear details, receipt details, prized money payment details, online auction details 

      chit subscribers can pay the chit fund payment through UPI ID, chit subscribers can log into the genericchit mobile app,  Chit mobile app dashboard have a all the group details.

       chit subscribers can select group and ticket no - and then chit subscribers can possible to access three option. chit Subscribers paid receipt, Pending dues, Prized money details.

            if chit subscribers can pay last due amount, just selection due number and enter the chit due amount and then click Google pay account button. all the information Google pay received, after the payment made successfully, you can get receipt from the genericchit mobile app, 

        This process are functioned each and every thing automatically, after the customer pay the chit due amount, SMS are going to reach the chit subscribers mobile. 

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