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Integrate CRM Software With GenericChit Chit Fund Software


 Genericchit chit fund software application is very simple, high -quality, centralized data, each and every clicks safe and secure access, cost effective and most important implementation made easy. Our software automated system will reduced  the manpower work. A perfect solution to empower you to manage your chit fund business The Right Way. Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. Its wide variety of features makes chit funds a pleasant  and  joyful experience.

Our top priority is our customers. Genericchit chit fund software drastically reduces chit fund operations at the same time you can get more save by time & cost.  Your business needs are our priority and your growing business needs a comprehensive chit ERP. 

Genericchit chit fund software not only manage chit funds, it also integrate CRM software, your business needs intuitive genericchit that makes customer management, chit subscriber history, ledger, payments, arrear and many more information in your fingertips.

Genericchit chit fund software effortlessly generate bills and share them on Whats app. With just a single click. You can generate receipts with the chit subscribers arrears and payments window you can easily enter the entries. 

With Genericchit managing, chit fund software has never been  so easy. Its wide variety  of features makes chit funds a pleasant & joyful experience. Genericchit chit fund software solution not only manage chit funds efficiently but also provide some of the best chit fund options to help overall business growth. 

Genericchit chit funds software always comes up with a new features that is demanding in the market. In other case, if you want to add any new features you can contact us. We will change the chit software according to your needs.


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