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Percentage Based Generic Chit Fund Software Demo


Genericchit chit fund software is working from cloud server. we can access the software using any device, any location, Software are providing portable facility.
Chit Software are cost effective, easy to use, more flexible working with all function. 

   Three type of chit fund software are available. 
1) Open Chit Model,  2) Fixed chit Model 3) Percentage based chit Model.

Percentage base chit Model

      we can split the single ticket into more than one ticket based on percentage. for example ( 1 ticket 100% = 2 ticket (50% + 50%) , here we split single ticket into  two tickets .

          Here split ticket  bid amount, dividend, prized amount, Due amount every thing is allocated based on percentage. 

  Chit company have manage the chit subscriber based on percentage, here low level earning customer to high level earning customer are combined together and running the single chit group.

    Chit company can combine the group chit subscriber in a simple way with out any risk. A small level chit company are conducted the this type of chit fund formats.

    here chit company are conducted the as usual auction, bidding, minutes, token systems, agent commission, 

    Percentage based model only the difference between the normal chit fund groups. this chit fund model are getting full credits to only chit company. easy to organize the chit subscribers with out any chit group dummy tickets. 


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